About this Project

I connected with a friend I hadn’t seen in a while. In our conversation, she told me her father had passed away. She admitted that she didn’t really know how to grieve, how to deal with the loss. And I was stunned. This was a woman who knew how to heal sick people, how to buy and own a home, how to be a wife, and how to be a mother. She was taught all these incredible skills, and yet she didn’t know how to deal with death. Our culture had failed her.

So how DO we deal with death?
I think it starts with more open conversation.

More thinking about it. More wondering out loud about it. More reading and watching and learning about it. With more learning about how others deal with it. More engaging and confronting. More opening, more asking, more curiosity.
So, here’s a collection of conversations doing just that. Let’s have frank and gentle and honest conversations about death and grief and loss. Death is a part of our lives. People we love will pass on. We ourselves will pass away. So let’s wrestle with this truth and in turn, hopefully be a little more prepared for it.

Let’s do some reckoning.

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About the Creator

Ingrid works on this project when she has time and energy after her work as a social worker in palliative care. She loves getting outside to play in the water and in the mountains as much as she possibly can. She loves ice cream, hummingbirds, warm hugs, and her 8 year old nephew, who is the definitive love of her life.

I’m not doing this alone.

THANK YOU to my dear, incredible, generous sponsors: Rael and Asha Dornfest.

The beautiful music at the intro was written and performed by the talented, and wonderful Jeff Buckingham.

The music at the end, and often in in-between moments comes from the Free Music Archive, which is amazing.

I’m grateful to Ann and Martin for gifting me a really excellent microphone.

I’m amazed at all the support, encouragement, curiosity, prodding, nudging, and general enthusiasm for pushing ahead with this. Makes it feel important, and valued- which I wholeheartedly believe it is.