Episode 6: Mother's Intuition, Finding Healing, and Love Not Lost- Ashley's Story

Ashley was so kind to take time and share her perspective with me. The longest interview to date- we had too much to talk and think about together; it felt like a conversation best had over a long stretch of time over multiple cups of tea. Instead, I sat in my closet and we held a skype conversation across the continent.It's clear through the whole discussion that she's dug into the deepest depths of wrestling with the meaning and purpose of her life, especially within the frame of losing her daughter at such a tiny young age. Ashley is her own unique blend of Christian spirituality, entrepreneurial spirit, and philosophy.Her non-profit, Love Not Lost, as she talks about in the episode, takes the power of a photograph and transforms it into a tool for grief, love, and healing to those who are losing a loved one. It's an organization born from her own personal growth, and she takes that hard-won wisdom out into the world to serve others. One of their projects is called How Can I Love You Better? and is an awesome resource for people who are looking for a way to help someone in grief when it's often too hard to ask for a specific need or make a specific offer.The picture Ashley shared is also on her website, and is the picture from their photography session with Skylar that inspired the whole non-profit. I think a beautiful little detail pointed out to me is that you can see strands of Ashley's hair in the picture, which connects to the story she shares of making Skylar squeal in delight.

Music: Reckoning IntroJeff Buckingham. Tracks provided by Free Music Archive.


Episode 7: Relief, Autobiographical Obituaries, and Scarlet Hawthorne trees: Ilze's Story


Episode 5: AIDS,the spectre of death, and frosting with no cake - Joe's Story.