25: Waiting for the big one, nursing home losses, and creativity: Andy's conversation

Talking with Andy is breezy, relaxed, and has a spark of silliness. We laugh a little, and explore some interesting new territory together.

He talks about his feelings and worries about a death that hasn’t yet come, about waiting for the potential and inevitable big loss of someone close to him. And we discuss the loss and grief associated with end of life changes for his grandparents; being separated, losing their identities and memories due to dementia, and the loss of independence that comes with aging.

He’s an artist, a teacher, a yoga instructor, and a creative; all of this embues his conversation with a sense of curiosity, playfulness, wonder, and gentleness. It’s brave to want to share about what we don’t know, what we imagine or can only guess at. I appreciate him being willing to navigate some unknown territory together.

Piano music by Jeff Buckingham

Interlude from Free Music Archive: Nuisance, Sand Instrumental


26: Final words, a range of losses, and gratitude: Michael's Story


24: Death in the Everyday: Nurse Logs, Big Thief, Immortality