Episode 1: Recycling Souls and waves of grief- Ingrid's Story

I'm thrilled to announce that I've finally edited and uploaded my first interview- with myself! This project is off the ground. Hooray! Below are some of my thoughts. Stay tuned, the next episode is in the works.

Thoughts on Episode One: I have a friend who started a podcast, and when I asked her about it, she said "10% interviewing, 90% prep and editing." She was right. It took me a long time to get used to and even understand the audio editing software, let alone spend the time to do the editing. It's still nowhere near perfect. But, I figure that will get better with time. In fact, a big barrier to this project taking off has been my perfectionism. I don't have the best equipment, the best place to record, or the most detailed sense of what I am doing and how. But I keep feeling like if I wait for everything to be perfect, it'll never happen. So I forge ahead, rough edges and all. Thanks for bearing with me as I navigate this new world of podcasting. It feels really vulnerable- like I'm making a dish and everyone who will eat it is watching me learn how to chop onions for the first time. Come, let us cry together. I look forward to this being a long term venture- something I can do over years of time, in many places, with many people. I don't expect this to become well known, or have a global impact. But the interest and support it's gained from those around me is proof enough that this is a needed and positive endeavor: even if it's just me and the person on the other end of the table acknowledging our experiences about death together, than it's a success.  It's also just healing and lovely to put aside some time to talk about my loss and experience with some thoughtfulness and intention. So, I'm grateful for that space, and I hope it proves to be of benefit to those to participate in this project with me. One last thing: I'm including one of my favorite pictures of my father and I together. It's blurry and we aren't even looking at the camera, but it's my one surviving photograph of a time we traveled in Costa Rica together- one of my most cherished memories with him.


Episode 2. Authenticity and Sunshine- Kacia's Story


Let's Chat.