Episode 2. Authenticity and Sunshine- Kacia's Story

I'm so grateful to Kacia- my first official guest of the podcast. She so graciously lent her thoughts and perspective and time to this project that is still very much in it's infancy. She came to the table having done her homework- she thought deeply about my questions beforehand, and therefore, made it really easy to interview her. We sat in a study room at a local community college library on a warm summer evening that threatened rain.  She's the type of person who seems to be comfortable everywhere she goes- likely because she's comfortable in her own skin- and I remember her shoes coming off to reveal cozy, striped socks. She brought her mother's journal with her to the interview- the pages bookmarked in many places, her fingers thumbing through them familiarly. When I asked her a question that involved digging into old memories, her eyes would close, her chin rested in her hand, and her eyelashes would flutter. And then she would look at me and deliver a wisdom or a gem or a clear thought as if mined from the depths of her past.The interview was the fun and easy part of this episode. Once again, the editing took an outrageously long time to pull together as I fumbled with the program and my perfectionistic tendencies. And- sigh- it still isn't perfect. But I deliver it to you with the hope that you'll hear the content and the message behind the story, and not my hacksaw audio editing. Aren't you curious about what Kacia and her mother look like? Here are some pictures from a hiking trip of Kacia (right) and her sister (left) with their mother Patricia: 


Episode 3. Bikes, and bonfires, and the little moments - Anthony's Story


Episode 1: Recycling Souls and waves of grief- Ingrid's Story