Episode 4: Fidelity, Green Cemeteries, and Language - Kyle's Story.

I'm noticing a trend that each episode is getting longer and longer...which I am hoping is because I'm just drawing out more and more rich content that simply can't be edited out! Haha. This interview was a rich and deep dialogue about one of the hardest losses a human being can face: losing a child. Kyle was kind to share so honestly about losing his little girl Skylar to a rare disease- one that took her before she reached her second birthday. She passed away several years ago, which leaves Kyle in a place of having had years of thoughts and feelings and ideas distilled into a wise, compassionate, and authentic perspective about life. These are challenging things to talk about, but he does so with an openness and curiosity that I found myself grateful for because of the ease and gentleness brought to the table. In the interview, Kyle refers to a writing he loves by Wendell Berry called "Fidelity", an author whose writings are profoundly full of references to the mysteries of time and what it means to be alive and be present. Worth finding a copy. Here is a picture of Kyle, his wife Ashley, and their sweet little bundle Skylar- profound love and joy just emanating from the image. 


Episode 5: AIDS,the spectre of death, and frosting with no cake - Joe's Story.


Episode 3. Bikes, and bonfires, and the little moments - Anthony's Story